Michigan Child Support Guidelines
Every case of child support is calculated using the Michigan Child Support Formula Manual, which is a codified, mathematical equation utilized by all courts to determine the exact amount of child support, medical support, and child care obligations due. The information required by the Child Support Formula includes:
- Mother's income
- Father's income
- Number of children involved
- Custodial arrangement
- Spousal support, if any
- All other child support obligations or custody arrangements of other children
- Health care costs
- Child care costs
Once this information is presented to the court and accepted as evidence, the numbers are placed in the child support formula and the obligation owed is determined and ordered.
What if My Circumstances Have Changed Since the Divorce?
Child support payments are intended to help the custodial parent with the expenses involved with raising the couple's child. As the non-custodial parent, if you experience a job loss or change in employment that affects your income, the first step is talking to the custodial parent and trying to reach an amicable resolution. Do not stop payments. This will result in other legal issues.
If your financial circumstances have changed such that it is a financial burden to pay the court ordered child support, you need to seek a modification. The court will use several factors to determine whether a modification is justified. The court will balance the best interests of the child, the court's previous decision, each parent's financial burdens as well as the desire to avoid unnecessary litigation.
Factors used in determining if a lower child support is justified include whether or not the changed financial circumstances are:
- Are material
- Are substantial
- Were involuntary, or voluntary but in good faith
- Are continuous and not temporary
- Occurred after or were not contemplated at the time that the child support amount was established
- Another circumstance in which a change in child support may be warranted is if the custodial parent's income has increased significantly.
If you think you are paying too much for child support, call ADAM 810-244-2326. We will review your case and provide you solid legal advice for your next move.